October 24, 2024


Exciting news for all the tech enthusiasts out there! Windows 12, the next edition of Microsoft’s operating system, is expected to debut in 2024. While Microsoft has not officially commented on the new system yet, Intel, one of their partners, seems to be giving us a glimpse into what’s to come. According to Intel, Windows 12 will have a positive impact on computer sales and is set to be released in 2024.

Windows 12: A Refreshing Change

Microsoft has changed its strategy and plans to introduce new generations of Windows every three years. This means that Windows 12 will be the next major release after Windows 11, which was introduced in October 2021. Intel, associating certain hopes with the new software from the Redmond giant, is even developing new processors from the Meteor Lake series in anticipation of Windows 12.

During the Citi analyst conference, David Zinsner, a representative of Intel, expressed his excitement about the next generation of Microsoft’s operating system. He mentioned that he expects Windows 12 to debut in 2024 and believes that it will be a good year for customers, especially considering the refresh of the Windows system. Zinsner’s statement aligns with earlier information about the release of Windows 12 in the second Semi of 2024.

Windows 12: A Subscription Model?

While we eagerly await the release of Windows 12, there have been reports suggesting that Microsoft may require a subscription for the new operating system. This is similar to the current situation with the Office suite, where Microsoft is moving away from perpetual license boxed versions. However, Microsoft’s exact plans regarding a subscription model for Windows 12 are not currently known.

Some mentions in the Windows system code from the Canary channel have hinted at subscription-related information, including status, type, and edition of Windows. This has sparked speculation about the possibility of a subscription-based model for Windows 12. However, it is important to note that this may just be one option, and boxed versions of the new Windows may also be offered, as Microsoft already provides businesses with subscription-based operating environments based on cloud solutions.

We will have to wait until next year for more details about Windows 12 and whether a subscription will be required. In the meantime, let’s embrace the excitement surrounding the upcoming release and look forward to the innovative features and improvements that Windows 12 will bring to our computing experiences.

Are you ready for Windows 12? Stay tuned for updates and mark your calendars for 2024, as it promises to be an exciting year for Microsoft’s operating system!

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